- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
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BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny: Weak or strong daymaster versus season you were born.

Friday, 16 September 2011
21248 viewers.

There have being many occasion when BaZi were read and decoded, the strength of the daymaster was based on the season when he or she was born. It is not wrong to base on the month when you were born but it is very wrong if you use only the month to decide the strength of the daymaster.

You cannot based on only the month or season and ignore the rest of the Ten Gods, their elements, their strength, their combinations and transformations. For example if your daymaster belong to Bing Fire born in the month Si; you was born in season. Are you sure you are strong daymaster without seeing the rest of the stars? There are many others criteria involved in determining the strength of the daymaster.

“Born in season does not necessary means strong daymaster”

feng shui Bazi profiling weak strong day master
Chart 1. His BaZi..
BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny: Weak or strong daymaster versus season you were born.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny - Solar time and the hour.

Saturday, 19 March 2011
14125 viewers.

In Chinese astrology BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny, the birth hour is very important in relation to calculate the Chinese Astrology BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny Chart. The Solar Time should be used in Chinese Astrology BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny. In Chinese Astrology BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny,

“If the birth hour or time is missing or faked, the destiny or the pre-destined path will be wrong.”
BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny - Solar time and the hour.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny - The concept of Useful God. Part 2.

Sunday, 2 January 2011
18580 viewers.

The concept of Useful God is one of the most important aspects in our Bazi Four Pillars of Destiny. It will take sustained and deep studies plus reflection and having all the experience by doing many charts to fully see this point.

We need to identify the Useful God Yong Shen 用神 for our BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny, and preferably the Useful God needs to be produced by the BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny itself. If we decided that Fire is the most needed element and Fire was identified the Useful God, but if Fire is not available in the basic BaZi Four Pillars (the 8 characters), then if we were to encounter Fire through any Ta Yun The Ten Years Luck Pillar or even in any year, month, day or hour Pillar, this Fire is to be precised not considered as Useful God 用神 or it is short lived
BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny -  The concept of Useful God. Part 2.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny - The concept of Useful God. Part 1.

Sunday, 26 December 2010
17198 viewers.

What we seek in our Bazi Four Pillars of Destiny is to assure smooth flow of Qi in a structure (provided that the it is available in the BaZi chart), the element that is best equipped to do that may then be referred to as Useful God, or Yòng Shén 用神.

Yong Shén 用神 is the most sought after god or deity in one’s BaZi chart, as opposed to the least wanted deity Jì Shén 忌神, which will instead ‘attack’ or ‘obstruct’ a life and which will be referred to as Annoying or Hostile God.
BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny -  The concept of Useful God. Part 1.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny - Balance BaZi Chart. Is the BaZi really balance? Many super rich have only 3 elements.

Sunday, 5 December 2010
13830 viewers.

True enough that our favorable elements can help us obtain balance in our BaZi Four Pillar of Destiny. But in the strictest form and against the popular teachings still, it may not be amongst our most essential tasks to seek to restore balance in a Bazi chart if this only means that we were merely counting the number of elements just by way of their absence or abundance in a chart without seeing the actual affects of them in our BaZi. Now it becomes our most important and sacred task to ensure the smooth flow of “Qi” in a chart and the what would be popularily regarded balance, may then come in second.
BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny - Balance BaZi Chart. Is the BaZi really balance? Many super rich have only 3 elements.

Can we change Destiny? Can it be altered?

Saturday, 27 November 2010
12281 viewers.

There have being numerous number of time this same question was asked if they can change their destiny or I can suggest some ways to do it. I admit that I really hope that I have the power and ability to do so. I must say that

"it is very difficult to change destiny"

You can only know what is coming to you, be prepare and you sill have to go through whatever that being intended for you. You cannot run away. You can only minimize the effect or misfortune thru using FengShui, hark work, determination, do charity work and prays. Many overlook charity but doing charity is very important. When you meet some beggars, disabled person asking for money, be kind enough to give them a few dollars.
Can we change Destiny? Can it be altered?

Same BaZi birth chart but different destiny.

Thursday, 29 July 2010
13483 viewers.

Have you ever wonder why many people that are having the same date and time of birth are having a different destiny? Many are having the same BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny but are living in totally different paths.

For example, two guys with the same BaZi chart, one know that he is going to make a lot money in a particular year but the other have no clue about his luck, the outcome will be totally different. Another example, two ladies having the same BaZi and they are suppose to give birth in a particular year, but under some circumstances, one of them choose abortion, this is her will or human luck.
Same BaZi birth chart but different destiny.

The Art of Living

Friday, 7 August 2009
10213 viewers.

According to Traditional Chinese thought, our life is influenced by many factors. The main five of them: 1. Destiny 2. Luck 3. Feng Shui 4. Philanthropy 5. Education “一命二运三风水,四积功德五读书"
Though we cannot change our destiny, we can foresee the timing and when an events are going to happen and prepare ourself and try to adapt to circumstances accordingly. If you know it is going to rain, you can bring an umbrella. If it is windy, you can put on a windbreaker. Likewise, if our path does not seem great, we find what really are the causes by using fengshui and can look to geomancy for help. ..
The Art of Living

Missing hour of birth in BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny reading

Tuesday, 17 February 2009
13354 viewers.

There are many cases when we do not know which hour we were born. It is not unusual that when we read a chart, the hour is missing. One out of four pillars or you can say 25% missing data can change the reading drastically. This will affect the strength of the day master which in turn will affect the whole reading. There are many ways in the hour pillar reconstruction. One way is simply doing it the old fashion way; trying all the 13 possible hours (11 animal signs plus early rat and late rat altogether 13 branches) . by matching DM's (daymaster) major life events, personalities and family relationships. ..
Missing hour of birth in BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny reading

Type of BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny charts and its Terminology

Tuesday, 3 February 2009
38295 viewers.

No matter what names is given they cannot run away from the following 4 group of BaZi charts.

1. Day Master 日元 Weak 弱格.
2. Day Master 日元 Strong 旺格.
3. Day Master 日元 Extreme weak 從格.
4. Day Master 日元 Extreme strong 專格.

So next time when you heard someone gave a name to a particular chart and no matter how horrible and scary it may sound or how magnificient the name can be, the type of chart still cannot run away from the above 4 types. And reading the chart will still follow the basic rules and fundamental.

The above four type is extremely important as it determines which are your favorable stars and which are your bad stars. It this is wrong, the luck will turn 180 degree. ..
Type of BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny charts and its Terminology

What is Bazi, Patt Chee or Four Pillars of Destiny

Tuesday, 13 January 2009
37325 viewers.

In recent years, the ancient Chinese metaphysic subjects such as Feng Shui and Four Pillars of Destiny (or in Chinese words 八字 Ba Zi) are capturing worlwide attention. The Chinese in ancient time has learned on how to improve their life and they created a model of human quality of life which depend on three main factors: Heaven Luck, Earth Luck and Man Luck.
What is Bazi, Patt Chee or Four Pillars of Destiny

Date Selection - The 12 Day Officers in Chinese Almanac 'Tong Shu'.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008
101549 viewers.

The 12 Day Officers (建除十二神) in Chinese Alamanac "Tong Shu" 通書 is an entry level date selection technique in both FengShui and BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny applications that is essential for separating generic usable dates from good usable dates. This method is translated into 12 Day Officers or Deities. "Deity" here has no relation to spirit or godly faetures. ..
Date Selection - The 12 Day Officers in Chinese Almanac

Note : At any one time, only the first 50 articles were displayed. There are more in our Archives.

Saturday, 21 September 2024
八月 十九
Fair Fair
"Ping 平   Balance"  WuZi 戊子  day
• Commencing any lawsuit
• For burial
• Involve distribution of wealth such as contesting a will or any division of assets
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times, good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door), bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me.
Today's Gods and Killings 神煞

Emptiness day 往亡日 with the present of Red Phoenix 朱雀and Grappling Hook 勾绞. Try to avoid important activities.

Today's Four Pillars of Destiny
  Hour   Day   Month   Year



Today's Flying Star
Month's Flying Star
Year's Flying Star
White Metal star
Red Metal star
Green Wood star
Disputes and Conflicts
Day Flying Stars chart
Month Flying Stars chart
Year Flying Stars chart
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times, good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door), bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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